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Preparing For Your Microblading Appointment

Esthi Emma

Folsom Microblading

Preparing for your microblading appointment:

  • No working out the day of procedure.

  • Avoid caffeine the day of procedure.

  • Do not tan the week before procedure.

  • Do not consume alcohol 24 hours before procedure.

  • Do not take aspirin, niacin, vitamin E or ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure.

  • Avoid Fish Oil, Prenatal Vitamins, Nutritional Shakes (Shakeology, etc), "Hair, Skin, Nail" supplements two weeks prior to procedure.

  • Avoid the following herbs and spices 48 hours before procedure: ginger, cinnamon, garlic, black and cayenne pepper.

  • No waxing for 3 day prior to procedure.

  • No botox 2 months prior to the procedure.

  • Stop using Retin-A or AHA products 2 weeks prior to the procedure.

  • No lasers or chemical peels for 1 month prior to the procedure.

  • No microdermabrasion or dermaplaning for 2 weeks prior.

  • It helps to do a light facial scrub 3 days prior to procedure.

  • Come to your appointment with a clean face and clean hair.


  • You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

  • I strongly advise to book your Microblading appointments at least 3-4 months in advance of Vacations, Weddings, and Special Occasions. This allows adequate time for healing of both your Initial Microblading Appointment as well as a Touch-Up Session.


We hold the right to deny service to clients who have the following conditions:

  • Pregnant or Nursing

  • Diabetic

  • Viral infections and/or diseases

  • Epilepsy

  • A Pacemaker or major heart problems

  • Had an Organ transplant

  • Tendency towards keloids or scarring

  • Seborrheic dermatitis

  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

  • Sick (cold, flu, etc.)

  • Had Botox in the past 2 months

  • Used Accutane in the past year

  • Allergic to anesthetic (Lidocaine)

  • Extremely Oily or Problematic Skin

Frequently asked Questions:

Can I take pain medication prior to microblading appointment?

Microblading is a tattoo and though topical numbing to applied before your service; pain can be associated. Over the counter pain medicines can help to take the edge off, but there are certain medicines you should avoid taking. Any medications that contain anticoagulants should not be taken prior to your appointment. Anticoagulants are commonly referred to as blood thinners; they are chemical substances that prevent or reduce coagulation of blood, and prolonging the clotting time.

Please consult with your doctor prior to taking any medications.

What after care do I need to follow?

At your appointment you are given a form with aftercare instructions. I also will verbally go over all your aftercare instructions to insure you know how to treat your tattoo during the healing process.. Aftercare is key to achieving great microblading results.

Here are the top 3 aftercare instructions to be aware of:

1. No sweating or getting brows wet for 10 days.

2. Apply provided ointment to the brows for 10 days.

3. No makeup in or around the brows for 5 days.

At your appointment I will teach you all the tips and tricks for making aftercare easy to follow.

Do I need to take time off work?

I don't find it necessary to schedule time off work for healing. Healing is a breeze, the 10 days go by quickly. You can have minor swelling 1-2 days and brows will appear dark and heavier for the first week. Your brows will scab over and flake around day 5; this is when clients are a little more nervous to go to work or out in public. You can inform your concerned relatives, friends, and/or co-workers that your brows are healing. It's completely normal for them to be dark and thick the first week and that these are not your end results.

Click here to more about learn about healing exceptions:

Did this explanation help you? Is there anything more specific you would care to know? If so, comment below.

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